365 Days of Divergent
The Faction Four is hosting a Divergent Challenge.
This is the second month; Apr 22 - May 22
Mar 21 - Apr 21 challenges
Day 33 of 365 - April 22, 2013
Post-It Challenge!
On a Post-It note, or anything that has a sticky side, write down "I AM SELFLESS" and stick it on the inside of your Divergent book. (if you do not own a physical copy of Divergent, stick the note anywhere you'll see it)
I still haven't bought the hardcover, I'm hoping soon though. So, I'm putting them on my board for now.
Day 34 of 365 - April 23, 2013
Random Sentence!
Quote a random sentence from Divergent. Open your book to a random page > share one sentence on that page! (nothing too spoilery)
"My mother told me once that we can't survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to."
Day 35 of 365 - April 24, 2013
Meeting Veronica!
What would you do if you met Veronica Roth?
I don't know what I'd do, I'd be nervous. So, I would probably talk about Divergent, and ask her about Allegiant and who the new character is and of course, ask her to sign my books.
* I like her Dauntless t-shirt in the picture she posted on her blog.
Day 36 of 365 - April 25, 2013
Pic Challenge!
Share a picture of your favorite place to read Divergent.
I don't have a favorite place right now, I wish I had a library in my house, that'd be my favorite place. But for now, I read in bed most of the time.
Day 37 of 365 - April 26, 2013
iTunes Challenge!
Go to Songs > T > share the first song that begins with T and which character best represents
The song is Teenage Dream by Katy Perry. I was listening to it last night and I immediately thought of Tris. I feel like it could be in more than one way, because of Four but also because of the decision she makes and the change of life that comes with it. "Before you met me, I was a wreck but things were kind of heavy, you brought me to life"
Day 38 of 365 - April 27, 2013
Selfless Anecdote!
What is one 'selfless' thing you have done? Share with us!
I hope this counts. It was probably December, it was really cold and I was going out with the guy I like, his sister, and a couple of his cousins. His sister wasn't wearing a jacket, he wasn't either, but she was cold so I gave her mine. We were actually close, we still are, well things are complicated now. But since she is younger than me, I did it because I saw her as my younger sister as well and didn't want her to be cold.
*A picture I found on the internet, click on it to go to the blog
Day 39 of 365 - April 28, 2013
Drawing Eric!
Draw a stick figure of Eric, be as creative as you like
This is one of the sad scenes from Divergent. To Albert the courageous!
Day 40 of 365 - April 29, 2013
Post-It Challenge!
On a Post-It note, or anything that has a sticky side, write down "I AM INTELLIGENT" and stick it on the inside of your Divergent book. (if you do not own a physical copy of Divergent, stick the note anywhere you'll see it)
Here's the post-it on my board.
Day 41 of 365 - April 30, 2013
Describing Divergent!
Sum up Divergent using one word.
Adventurous. Would that cover everything? I feel like there should be a stronger, better word that wraps up every detail that makes it what it is. But it's the one that comes to mind that makes me think it could include everything from the first decision, its consequences to the romance and changes. I found an image that I like, I think it's amazing and it fits here perfectly.
*Click the image to go to the post.
Day 42 of 365 - May 1, 2013
4 Word Review!
Reread the first chapter of Divergent, and then write a '4' word review of it.
Unusual world, inspiring character
Day 43 of 365 - May 2, 2013
Allegiant Ending!
Write the last sentence of Allegiant! What sentence do you want to be the one that concludes this trilogy?
"Time to jump" I say as I hold on to his hand.
(I don't want them to die)
*Click the image to go to its original post
Day 44 of 365 - May 3, 2013
iTunes Challenge!
Go to SONGS > Scroll down to the songs under R >Share the first song that begins with R and which character you think it best represents.
Rolling in the Deep by Adele This iTunes challenges keep getting harder. I'm not good at this, I feel like we need more info from the other characters. So I'm going to say, Susan. I feel like Caleb just left her and didn't say anything to her, even if we don't know what happens with her in the end of Divergent. Even if she wouldn't react like Adele. I think the idea of the song is why I think of Susan. We can't use Insurgent so I'll stay with that.
Day 45 of 365 - May 4, 2013
Zip Lining!
Would you ever zip line? Does Divergent influence your decision if you said yes?
No! I loved the zip lining scene in the book. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so afraid. I'd love to do so many things but I know my fears are so strong, I wouldn't be able to try it.
Day 46 of 365 - May 5, 2013
Drawing Peter!
Draw a stick figure of Peter. Be as creative as you’d like!
Here's Peter ready to fight! "Come on, stiff"
Day 47 of 365 - May 6, 2013
Post-It Challenge!
On a Post-It note, or anything that has a sticky side, write down "I AM HONEST" and stick it on the inside of your Divergent book. (if you do not own a physical copy of Divergent, stick the note anywhere you'll see it)
I changed the post it's, now they are in front of me on my desk. That should be orange, I'm not sure if it's my phone or the lighting.
Day 48 of 365 - May 7, 2013
Free Four Quote!
Share your favorite quote from Free Four
“Stiff. That’s why you’re strong, get it?"
Day 49 of 365 - May 8, 2013
Dauntless Tattoo!
You're in Dauntless: When you go to get your tattoo, what is it of?
The fire from the Dauntless symbol
Day 50 of 365 - May 9, 2013
Secret Agent!
Go outside and take a picture of anything that says something related to Divergent. Whether it has a name of a character, faction, etc. - or, if it's a number like 4 or 6. Just something that is Divergent related.
I was looking for names or the factions but then I remembered the movie, so here's a 6
Day 51 of 365 - May 10, 2013
iTunes Challenge!
iTunes Challenge! Go to SONGS > Scroll down to the songs under I >Share the first song that begins with I and which character you think it best represents.
I feel like I've been away for a long time. I haven't visited blogs in about a week, I've just come to update the challenges and some posts. I hope to get back on track next week. I just lost track of time and forgot to tweet today.
So, I got "I Was Wrong" by Social Distortion. I don't know who I could choose from Divergent. I'll have to think about it
Day 52 of 365 - May 11, 2013
Be Honest!
Which character from Divergent are YOU most like?
I would say Tris. I mean not everything but I remember reading things and thinking, I would have felt like her, I would have thought that too. But there are things I would have done differently and she is braver than I am. But all her flaws, I feel like I have them as well.
Shailene Woodley will be playing Tris in the movie
Day 53 of 365 - May 12, 2013
Drawing Caleb!
Draw a stick figure of Caleb. Be as creative as you’d like!
Here's Caleb. "We must also think of ourselves"
Day 54 of 365 - May 13, 2013
Post-It Challenge!
On a Post-It note, or anything that has a sticky side, write down "I AM PEACEFUL" and stick it on the inside of your Divergent book. (if you do not own a physical copy of Divergent, stick the note anywhere you'll see it)
I am Peaceful! They're still on my desk.
Day 55 of 365 - May 14, 2013
Loving Divergent!
Tell us why you love Divergent so much
4 reasons: characters, factions, romance, adventure
I love Tobias Eaton! What's not to love? I love everything about it.
I took pictures of some of my books
Day 56 of 365 - May 15, 2013
6 Word Review!
Reread the last chapter of Divergent, and then write a '6' word review of it.
Solutions unfold, romance evolves, cliffhanger ending
*Click on image to go to its source
Day 57 of 365 - May 16, 2013
Kissing Scene!
Share your favorite Four/Tris kissing scene. Either write out the scene, or just sum it up.
Four takes Tris to the chasm after he opens up to her. It's their first kiss after he tells her that he likes her. "For a few minutes we kiss, deep in the chasm, with the roar of water all around us."
*Image by ice-ridden
Day 58 of 365 - May 17, 2013
iTunes Challenge!
Go to SONGS > Scroll down to the songs under S >Share the first song that begins with S and which character you think it best represents
Save Yourself by Sense Field I looked it up on You Tube and started looking at some comments. Seeing it as orderinchaos said it, "A lot of people aren't really who they portray - they're insecure and so they close themselves off to the rest of the world and pretend to be this ideal person in case they get laughed at or judged. ..." I kept thinking of Al, how he probably gave up and didn't wait to find someone who would 'love him for him'
(Fun Fact: This is from the Roswell soundtrack)
Day 59 of 365 - May 18, 2013
Dauntless Cake!
The goal is to bake a cake & take a picture of it; however, if you can't do that, take a picture of any cake/cupcake
We had a party and this is my piece after I got home
Day 60 of 365 - May 19, 2013
Drawing Veronica!
Draw a stick figure of Veronica Roth. Be as creative as you’d like!
Here's my drawing, I was inspired by her picture.
Day 61 of 365 - May 20, 2013
Post-It Challenge!
On a Post-It note, or anything that has a sticky side, write down "I AM BRAVE" and stick it on the inside of your Divergent book.
I am Brave!
Day 62 of 365 - May 21, 2013
Empowerment Pic!
It's time to show us your empowerment notes! Take a picture of your book with all of your Post-It notes: Selfless, Intelligent, Honest, Peaceful, Brave. I hope by now you feel like you're all of these in one. You are every. single. one. of. these as long as you believe you are!
I still haven't bought my physical copy but they're right in front of me when I sit at my desk, on the shelf.
They're supposed to be yellow, green, orange, pink and blue.
I am Selfless! I am Intelligent! I am Honest! I am Peaceful! I am Brave!
Day 63 of 365 - May 22, 2013
Free 4 Day!
Post anything you want, just make sure it's related to Divergent
I decided to make its own post again, for this Day. I'm sharing the different Divergent Covers
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